Should political leaders be less concerned with public opinion and govern based on their judgment?

Should political leaders be less concerned with public opinion and govern based on their judgment?.

Forum Overview: The Week 4 forum covers Chapter5 & 6of We the People is designed to enable students to the importance of political culture and the media. You are to answer the question be lowand submit your post to Week 4Discussion Forum by Tuesday of Week 4and respond to at least three classmate posts by Thursday of Week 4.You are to provide a 300-wordpost for each question.

Week 4Discussion Forum Question:

Some political leaders are more concerned with public opinion than others. Some elected officials lean more heavily on their own judgment rather than popular sentiment. Using President Obama and President Trump as examples, search the web for more information and provide a response to the following questions.

a)Should political leaders  be most concerned with public opinion and govern according to mass policy preferences?

b)Should political leaders be less concerned with public opinion and govern based on their judgment?

c)Which do you believe is more appropriate in a democracy?

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Should political leaders be less concerned with public opinion and govern based on their judgment?


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