SITHKOP002 Plan and Cost Basic Menus

SITHKOP002 Plan and Cost Basic Menus.

Assessment Workbook
SITHKOP002 Plan and Cost Basic Menus
Assessment 1 – Research and Menu Development
Assessment 2 – Customer Feedback
Assessment 3 – Multiple Choice Questions
Student Name
Student ID
Group ID

Student Agreement: 3
Student Declaration: 3
Due Dates and Submission: 3
Student Feedback: 4
Assessment Instructions 5
Section A: The Culinary Workshop Restaurant 5
Section B: The MenuCoster Tool 6
Part A: Customer preferences 7
Part B: Plan menu 7
Part C: Prepare and cost menus 10
Part D: Dish profitability 11
Part E: Yield test 12
Part F: Evaluate menu success 13
Part A: Menu adjustment 14
Part B: Evaluate menu success 16
Student Instructions 17
Trainer Confirmation 17

This Assessment Cover Sheet outlines the requirements for assessment submission at Stanley College. Before any assessment/s can be accepted/marked by your trainer, this document must be signed for each unit completed.
Student Name:
Group ID:
Student ID/Email Address:
Trainer Name:
Unit of Competence: SITHKOP002 – Plan and Cost Basic Menus
Student Agreement:
By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I have read the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed in the Student Handbook (available via In particular:
• The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s work represented as my own. I understand that academic dishonesty is a breach of the Stanley College Code of Conduct and could lead to cancellation. I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of assistance used in my assessments.
• If my trainer believes that my assessment has been plagiarised, then he/she must collect all evidence and refer the matter to the Course Coordinator and Student Support Officer.
• I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission guidelines. I am aware that if I don’t follow required guidelines, this could result in my assessments being returned unmarked and/or fees being incurred.
• I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the preparation of my assessment work.
• I will not allow other students to access or copy any of my assessment work.
• I understand that if I am not satisfied with my assessment result, I have the right to appeal within 30 working days of receiving a result. (The Complaints and Appeals Process is available in the Student Handbook via
Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the materials I submit for assessments are entirely my own and meet all of Stanley College’s assessment requirements.
Student Signature:
Due Dates and Submission:
Please confirm the due dates for all assessments for this unit with your trainer:
Assessment No. Assessment Method Assessment Description Assessment Due Date
Assessment 1
Research and Menu Development Due Date:
Assessment 2
Customer Feedback Due Date:
Assessments must be submitted by the due dates listed on this page, to the following locations:
English – Submitted in person to trainer, handwritten. (Some assessments require electronic submission to your trainer)
Health (Aged Care) – Submitted in person to trainer, handwritten. (Assessment for BSBITU201 requires electronic submission to your trainer) / Work Based Training portfolio submitted in person to your trainer (paper).
Commercial Cookery/Patisserie (Certificate III only) – ( ) All assessments and Portfolio submitted electronically / Work Based Training portfolio submitted in person to James St front office (Paper).
Commercial Cookery/Patisserie (Certificate IV only) /Hospitality – ( All assessments to be submitted electronically.
Security – Submitted in person to trainer, handwritten.
Business – ( All assessments to be submitted electronically.
Translation and Interpreting – ( All assessments to be submitted electronically.
Early Childhood Education (Certificate III only) – Submitted in person to trainer, handwritten / Work Based Training portfolio submitted in person to your trainer (paper).
Early Childhood Education (Diploma only) – ( All assessments to be submitted electronically / Work Based Training portfolio submitted in person to your trainer (paper).
Professional Year Program – All assessments are submitted in person (paper) to trainer or Program Manager/Internship portfolio submitted in person to the Program Manager (paper).
All submitted assessments file names must include the following details (if electronically submitted):
Class_Full name_Student ID_Unit of Competence_Assessment Number_Trainer_Date submitted
Example: C4CC01A_Elvis PRESLEY_12000634_BSBDIV501A_Rami_DDMMYYYY
Assessment One (1): Outcome
Satisfactory 0
Not Satisfactory ??0
Resubmission Date:
Assessment Two (2): Outcome
Satisfactory 0
Not Satisfactory ??0
Resubmission Date:
Assessment Three (3): Outcome
Satisfactory 0
Not Satisfactory ??0
Resubmission Date:
Assessor’s Feedback:
Assessor’s Name:
Assessor’s Signature:
Students please note:
Your results will be made available in your Student Portal. Your Trainer will also email you with feedback on your performance, including where gaps are identified. Please ensure you regularly login to your student portal and Stanley College email to check this information. All decisions, including Assessments Outcomes can be appealed. For more information please refer to our Complaints and Appeals Policy (available from Student Services team or via our website).
Student Feedback:
Please take the time to provide us with any feedback on your experience during the delivery and assessment experience by emailing us directly at
Alternatively you can complete the anonymous monthly student feedback survey.
Section A: The Culinary Workshop Restaurant
You have been employed by The Culinary Workshop Restaurant for a while now. You have been asked to develop menus to give a wider range of choice that differ from restaurants in the area.
The menus need to be designed and costed as a proposal for your Head Chef to make a decision on the menus that will be used going forward.
The design of the menu is also changing, so you need to develop your menu to include The Culinary Workshop’s logos (these have been provided for you). The logo may also be used elsewhere in the menu.
The Culinary Workshop’s kitchen has limited space and facilities.
The following equipment is available. It is important to keep this in mind when planning your menu.
Large equipment Small equipment
• One commercial oven
• Four open-range stove-top burners above the oven
• One salamander
• One combi oven (convection and steam)
• One single-vat deep fryer
• One bench-mounted planetary mixer
• Small walk-in cool room, open shelving dry store area and single-door freezer
• Hot bain-marie with under-display plate warmer • Food processer and blender
• Microwave oven
• Pots, pans, frypans, stockpots, etc.
Your team in the kitchen consists of the following:
• Head Chef
• Sous chef
• 2nd year apprentice
• 1st year apprentice
• 2 x prep chefs

Section B: The MenuCoster Tool
For this assessment you are required to use the MenuCoster application. The MenuCoster provides recipe costing, nutritional analysis and menu pricing.
Ingredient prices are updated directly from nation-wide suppliers as often as they change therefore recipe prices are always up-to-date.
Dishes costing are to be sourced from MenuCoster (details of how to access MenuCoster are given below).
? Important:
• When calculating the cost/price of ingredients, first convert to Kg (Kilograms) to calculate the amounts required for each recipe.
• Some recipes in MenuCoster are for more than one person, you are required to work out the cost of all menu items for one dish.
• When preparing the menu cost, it is recommended to work out the cost of the Cyclical Menu first as this contains nearly all the items for the other menus.
You have been provided with instruction on how to use the MenuCoster application below:
MenuCoster Instructions

Part A: Customer preferences
1. You are required to identify and evaluate the food preferences of customer groups in The Culinary Workshop:
a. Use the Customer preferences (provided below) and answer the questions:
Customer Preferences

Insert your final copy here
b. When completed, save the document and insert it into the ‘Task Completed section’ on page 11.
Part B: Plan menu
2. You are required to develop menus to meet customer preferences as you have identified in the previous task. The menus are listed below:
Cyclical Menu Seasonal Menu Ethnic Menu Table D’hôte
Buffet Menu Degustation Menu À La Carte Menu Set Menu
The Head Chef has decided to combine the eight (8) menu types into four (4) menus. You are required to develop the following four (4) menus:
• 1: Cyclical menu to represent the Buffet Menu
• 2: Seasonal menu to represent the Degustation Menu
• 3: Ethnic menu to represent the À La Carte Menu
• 4: Table D’hôte menu to represent the Set Menu

3. The Head Chef has already prepared two different documents which will assist you to develop and design the menus:
• A Menu type template document (provided below) – provides you an example of the layout for each of the menu types:
Menu Type Template

• -+96A List of dishes/meals documents – suggests a variety of ideas for dishes/meals to choose from when preparing each menu for The Culinary Workshop.
A List of dishes/meals

Prior to developing the menus, plan the draft menus:
a. Assess the dishes/meals merits by using the MenuCoster application (Instructions have been provided to you in the ‘Assessment Instruction section’ on page 6).
b. Ensure you include a balanced variety of dishes (in terms of colour, cooking methods, delicacies, flavours, nutritional values, presentation, seasonally available ingredients, taste, texture).
c. Identify organisational service style and cuisine
Cyclical/Buffet Menu
[insert your menu here WITHOUT PRICES]
Seasonal/Degustation Menu
[insert your menu here WITHOUT PRICES]
Ethnic/A La Carte Menu
[insert your menu here WITHOUT PRICES] TableD’Hote/Set Menu
[insert your menu here WITHOUT PRICES]
[insert your recipes from MenuCoster here] [insert your recipes from MenuCoster here] [insert your recipes from MenuCoster here] [insert your recipes from MenuCoster here]

4. Role-play 1: After planning the draft menus, you are required to discuss these with the Head Chef (your assessor) for final approval. Arrange a meeting with him/her.
a. Your assessor will record the discussion outcomes in the Observation checklist which is provided below:
b. Discuss with your trainer how you will reword the menu items to make them sound more appealing. You can use the menu descriptions in MenuCoster where the menu items contain their accompaniments.
c. You are required to verify that your assessor has completed and signed the observation checklist document.
Observation Checklist

[Insert your signed copy here]

Part C: Prepare and cost menus
5. After the discussion with the Head Chef, you are required to develop the menus and include the cost into it:
a. Cost the menus (including all dishes) by using the MenuCoster application for each recipe on your designated menus. Price them correctly (refer to the definitions given to you in the Menu type template document on page 7).
Recipe costing and dish profitability-Buffet Menu Recipe costing and dish profitability-Seaonal/Degustation Menu Recipe costing and dish profitability-A la Carte menu Recipe costing and dish profitability-Set menu Menu

Note: Some recipes are provided on MenuCoster for more than one person, dishes for your menu must be per one serving.
Insert your menus from Assessment 1 Part B here, priced and reworded to make them appealing to your customers. (You can use the menu descriptions in MenuCoster to describe the menu items, which will also include their accompaniments)

Part D: Dish profitability
Look at the calculations you have completed. In the excel template go to the “cost effective” data sheet for each menu.
In your own words complete the table below giving the most profitable dish on the menu and why you think this is.
Cyclical/Buffet Menu Most profitable dish is:
Explain why:
Seasonal/Degustation Most profitable dish is:
Explain why:
Ethnic/A la Carte Most profitable dish is:
Explain why:
Table D’hote/Set Menu Most profitable dish is:
Explain why:

Part E: Yield test
6. Conduct a raw ingredient Yield test for each menu. You are required to:
a. Complete a Yield Test for one (1) recipe that appears on your menu. This can be an entrée, main or dessert but must include three (3) items from the following list of food items:
• Fruits
• Vegetables
• Meat
• Seafood
b. Use the Yield Test MS Excel document which is provided below for calculating the yield Test. The document includes:
i. An example for yield % calculation – ensure you understand the calculation and the converting process from gram (g) to kilogram (Kg). Ask your assessor for clarifications if needed.
ii. Menu calculation – ensure to:
• Type the recipe name for every menu
• Choose the ingredient and complete the table provided
• Use the converter tool in the Test Yield spreadsheet below, if the item has been given in grams (g)
You have been provided with an MS instructions on the first tab of the following worksheet:
Yield Test MS Excel Insert your completed Yield Test Below

c. When you have completed the Yield Test calculations for all menus, insert your document in the space provided above.

7. Now you have developed the menus, you are required to obtain feedback to evaluate the success of your work.
a. Prepare a Customer Questionnaire. Include in the Questionnaire:
i. Questions for all of the menus.
iii. Consider referring to the variety of:
• colours
• cooking methods
• delicacies
• flavours
• nutritional values
• presentation
• seasonally available ingredients
• tastes
• textures
NB: It is best to ask questions and give them a choice of how they should reply. For example words of your sentences starting with questions like “What was your favourite meal/least favourite?” can be followed with a list of the dishes they can tick off.
[insert your copy here]

Part A: Menu adjustment
Role-play 2:
Read the scenario below:
Because of these issues, you have decided to arrange an urgent meeting with the Head Chef to discuss and assess failure of menus against customer satisfaction and sales data. The aim of the meeting is to improve menu performance from the business side (high yield dishes) and from the customer side (happy customer).
a. Participate and record the outcome of the meeting in the meeting minute template (provided below). Discuss the following topics during the meeting :
i. Assess success of menus against customer satisfaction and sales data (as per scenario).
ii. Identify unprofitable menu items and adjust menus to include high yield dishes. Refer to your priced menu’s in the excel worksheets in Assessment 1
iii. Importance of listening and responding to routine feedback from customers and staff to improve menu performance.
iv. Suggestions for adjusting the menus by asking questions about menus choices (prepare list of questions – at least four questions).
v. Complete the changes to your menu items prior to your meeting.
NB: The changes you make must be to three different menus.

Menu name here:
Menu name here: Menu name here:
Take out this dish:
Take out this dish: Take out this dish:
Replace with this dish: Replace with this dish:
Replace with this dish:
Questions to ask in the meeting.
vi. Your assessor will record the meeting outcomes in the Observation checklist which is provided below:
Meeting Minute

[Insert your copy of the Meeting Minutes Here.
vii. You are required to verify that your assessor completed and signed the observation checklist document.
Observation Checklist

[insert your copy of the feedback here
Part B: Evaluate menu success
1. You are required to adjust the two menus based on feedback and profitability by using the suggestions which have been discussed in the meeting:
Using the changes you have suggested in the meeting, change the menu items on your original menus by highlighting the changes you have suggested.
Take a screen shot of your changes and insert them in the box provided
Note: As the season has changed add three (3) new dishes for the season
Insert the screen shot of the change to the menu
Menu 1 change [insert your screenshot here]
Menu 2 change [insert your screenshot here]
Menu 3 change [insert your screenshot here]
Read the scenario below:
2. Complete a Dish evaluation feedback form (one menu only required) for this month at The Culinary workshop:
a. The Dish evaluation feedback form is provided below:
Dish Evaluation Feedback Form

[Insert your copy of the feedback here]

Student Instructions
Please log on to your Didasko account and complete the Multiple Choice questions for this unit.
• You are required to answer all questions correctly to achieve 100%.
• You have two attempts to do this.
• Each question has four responses with only one correct answer.
• Once completed, you are required to take a screen shot of your final result and paste this image below. This screenshot must include:
• Your student name
• Your student number
• Your final score
Note: To take a screenshot press CTRL and PRTSC while on the result page, to paste press CTRL and V. Alternatively, you may also use the Snipping Tool.
Paste here
Trainer Confirmation
Trainers please confirm students pass rate on Didasko
Trainer Name: Date: Result:

100% achieved Yes 0
Where the student has not achieved a pass rate of 100% within two attempts, questions must be completed verbally with the trainer and recorded in the table below (additional lines may be added if necessary):
Question Number: Student Answer: Trainer Signature: Student Signature: Date:

SITHKOP002 Plan and Cost Basic Menus


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