Stressful event

Stressful event.





Provide a one-page description of a stressful event currently occurring in your life. Then referring to information you learned throughout this course, address the following:

1. Describe the physiological changes in the brain that occur due to the stress response.

2. What emotional and cognitive effects might occur due to this stressful situation?

3. Would the above changes (physiological, cognitive, or emotional) be any different if the same stress were being experienced by a person of the opposite sex, or someone much older or younger than you?

4.If the situation continues, how might your physical health be affected?

5.Describe 3 behavioral strategies that you could implement to reduce the effects of this stressor. Explain how each behavior could cause changes in brain physiology (for example, exercise can raise serotonin levels).

6. Would there be any ethical considerations you would have to keep in mind as you seek to implement these behavioral strategies to reduce the effects of this stressor? How would you ensure your strategies do not negatively impact other aspects of your life or those in your life?






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Stressful event


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