Students will provide their preferred theory of group work for this type of group and discuss elements of group behavior, elements of member behavior and elements of therapist behavior. Students will be required to create and design their own six (6) session group covering the following areas:

Students will provide their preferred theory of group work for this type of group and discuss elements of group behavior, elements of member behavior and elements of therapist behavior. Students will be required to create and design their own six (6) session group covering the following areas:.

Students will select a type of group they want to develop (e.g. domestic violence group, substance abuse group, self-esteem group, etc.). Students will provide their preferred theory of group work for this type of group and discuss elements of group behavior, elements of member behavior and elements of therapist behavior. Students will be required to create and design their own six (6) session group covering the following areas:
the target population
the group structure (including an outline). To earn full points for this part of the grading rubric, you must include the following details related to group structure:
number of group members
location and setting of group meetings (i.e., will these meetings be held in the community? at an agency? in-patient treatment center? outpatient treatment center? etc.?)
day and time of group meetings (e.g., meetings will be held from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM every Wednesday for 6 weeks)
6-week outline: include a proposed outline for each week. Here is a sample outline excerpt.
group activities and ice breakers
theories and techniques to be used
leadership skills
The assignment must be written and formatted according to APA style. In addition, the paper must include a minimum of six (6) distinct in-text citations other than the course textbooks. In-text citations should be formatted according to APA style. See below for more information about in-text citations and references.
Paper must be submitted through the Webcourses assignment tab.
Paper Format:
Students should use the student paper format, including a cover page. For more information: refer to Chapter 2 of APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, the APA Style Paper Format resource, and the APA Student Title Page Guide.
Student papers do not include a running head. For more information: refer to page 30 of the APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, and this APA Style Header resource.
This paper should NOT include an abstract, table of contents, or appendix.
The paper should be double spaced and include 1″ margins throughout.
Use 2nd level APA style headings for these components of your paper:
the target population
the group structure (including an outline)
group activities and ice breakers
theories and techniques to be used
leadership skills
Refer to this resource on 2nd level headings (Links to an external site.). You  may also refer to sample APA formatted paper (Links to an external site.) or your APA manual for additional information about 2nd level headings.
Font Type and Size:
A variety of font choices are permitted in APA Style. Use the same font throughout the text of the paper. Options include:
Sans serif font: 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, 10-point Lucida San Unicode
Serif font: 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, normal (10-point) Computer Modern
For more information: refer to page 44 of the of APA Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, and this APA Style Font resource.
Ensure the font type and font size of your page numbers are consistent with the rest of your paper.
Paper Length:
Your paper should be no more than seven (7) pages in length.
The cover page and references page will not be part of the total page count for this assignment. You will not lose points for including a cover page and a references page.
One (1) point will be deducted from the overall grade for every page over seven (7) pages, excluding the cover/reference pages.
In-Text Citations and References:
Paper must include a minimum of six (6) distinct references other than the course textbooks.
In-text citations and reference list should be formatted according to APA style.
For more information about in-text citations, refer to Chapter 8 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding ‘Author-Date Citation System’. (Links to an external site.)
To review formatting and structure of various reference examples, refer to Chapters 9 and 10 of the 7th edition APA Manual or this APA Style resource regarding ‘Reference Examples’ (Links to an external site.).
Designing Your Own Group PaperDesigning Your Own Group PaperCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentStudent completed all content requirements of the assignment. This includes: Identifying the type of group, including 6 sessions of the group (using 2nd level APA headings) that cover: the target population; the structure including an outline; group activities and ice breakers; theories and techniques to be used; and leadership skills.25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure, Grammar, SpellingStudent used appropriate APA format, master’s-level spelling and grammar, and stayed within the page limits of the assignment.5 pts
Total Points: 30PreviousNext
Books for the class are: Pelech, W. Basso Inclusive Group work
A Mutual aid model for social work with groups Steinberg, D.M

Students will provide their preferred theory of group work for this type of group and discuss elements of group behavior, elements of member behavior and elements of therapist behavior. Students will be required to create and design their own six (6) session group covering the following areas:


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