Summarize briefly the ways in which this director meets those criteria using examples from at least two of the director’s films.

Summarize briefly the ways in which this director meets those criteria using examples from at least two of the director’s films..

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 8 of Film: From Watching to Seeing, as well as your instructor’s guidance and lecture materials, and Chapter 7 from Film Genre Reader IV. The ENG225 Research Guide in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library will be particularly helpful in locating required sources.

This assignment is your opportunity to apply the auteur theory to the work of one selected director. To do that, you will watch at least two feature-length films by the same director as the basis for your analysis and argument.

Note: You should watch any chosen film twice once to ensure that you have grasped the storytelling and once to take more specific notes on aspects of the film you wish to discuss. You may choose any appropriate director, but be sure to consider the three criteria of auteur theory before making your selection.

Your paper should be organized around a thesis statement that focuses on how your chosen director and his/her films meet the criteria posed by auteur theory and advance the possibilities of storytelling through the medium of film. Review the Week 3 Sample

Paper  download, which provides a clear guide for developing a solid analysis as well as insight on composition.

In your paper,

Explain auteur theory.

Describe, using Chapter 8 of the text as a reference, the criteria for what makes a director an auteur.

Identify a director who meets the criteria posed by auteur theory

Summarize briefly the ways in which this director meets those criteria using examples from at least two of the director’s films.

Apply the lens of auteur theory in breaking down the director’s technical competence, distinguishable personality, and interior meaning using specific examples of his/her work (e.g., particular scenes or plot components).

Analyze the specific ways in which filmmaking techniques, consistent themes, and storytelling distinguish your chosen director as an auteur among his/her peers.

The Directors and Auteur Theory paper

Must be 900 to 1200 words in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of Your Essay (in bold)

Your First and Last Name

University of Arizona Global Campus

Course Code: Name of Course (e.g., ENG 225: Introduction to Film)
Instructor’s name
Due Date

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Summarize briefly the ways in which this director meets those criteria using examples from at least two of the director’s films.


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