Summarize social contract theory briefly but clearly, and then explain or describe the conception of HR that emerges from it? Discuss the main pros and cons of the social contract account of what human rights are.

Summarize social contract theory briefly but clearly, and then explain or describe the conception of HR that emerges from it? Discuss the main pros and cons of the social contract account of what human rights are..

Answer these four questions(300 words each approximately):

1.Human rights are commonly described as “rights that we possess simply in virtue of being human – no other qualification is needed”. How adequate is this statement as an account of what human rights are? Explain and defend your answer in detail, noting, among other things perhaps, what is involved in providing a philosophical analysis of a concept.

2.Summarize social contract theory briefly but clearly, and then explain or describe the conception of HR that emerges from it? Discuss the main pros and cons of the social contract account of what human rights are.

3.What, in your view, is the most plausible approach to take in trying to justify human rights. (You may defend one of the approaches discussed in class, or you may defend some other approach.)

4.It has sometimes been said that human rights are really just a form of Western imperialism; that is, a way of illicitly trying to impose Western values on other cultures and societies? How plausible do you think this charge is? Support your assessment of it by argument.

The post Summarize social contract theory briefly but clearly, and then explain or describe the conception of HR that emerges from it? Discuss the main pros and cons of the social contract account of what human rights are. appeared first on Essay Hotline.

Summarize social contract theory briefly but clearly, and then explain or describe the conception of HR that emerges from it? Discuss the main pros and cons of the social contract account of what human rights are.


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