The ACL software

The ACL software.

Using the ACL software please complete ACL I have also included a commands demo file that will be a good reference document. You will type up your analysis of evidence you obtained to complete ACL Case 6-83 in a Microsoft Word file so please ignore requirement 3c. As part of your response be sure to include how you determined the most appropriate procedures needed to collect audit evidence for this project.
Please refer to the file ACL Instructions and Requirements to begin. The tutorial is covered at the end of the textbook in the ACL appendix:
You will use the Microsoft Word document linked above to submit your results There are additional ACL instructions in this which will help you in completing the assignment. I have highlighted the areas you will need to complete which are the results under each of the requirements also linked above. These include the following:
ACL Case 1 Guidelines without results.doc
Some areas you will be considering include:
Is anyone over the maximum grant allowed?
Is any student using the same social security number?
Is the same person using a different social security number?
Is any student receiving a grant that should not be receiving a grant?


The post The ACL software first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

The ACL software


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