The assignment must be in MS Word format, single spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers.

The assignment must be in MS Word format, single spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers..

Assignment 2 Specifications
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, single spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four
sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference
list, all using Harvard referencing style.
Word limit: At least 2500 words
Assignment 2 – the Literature Review – is designed to ensure that student masters the skills of searching,
locating, reading, summarising, and using relevant academic literature and secondary data to create a
compelling discussion and/or argument, thereby creating the context for their further research in pursuit of
the answer to their research question(s).
Assignment Structure should be the following:
1. An opening statement of the Research Problem and research Question(s) – these should now be more
detailed than what you had in your Topic Approval.
2. Discussion of major theories, models or streams of influence around this topic. This provides your lecturer
with evidence that you have gone deeper than your initial search now to find literature that leads you toward
answering your research question
3. Draw the reader’s attention to any contrasting views expressed in prior research in this area and give your
21/01/2021 [Solved] 62781 – Assignment 2 Specifications• The assignment 3/5
view of how differing opinions can be brought together to help answer the research question and ultimately
resolve the research problem. [the more comprehensive your literature review, the better. Whatever you do
NOT find out in this literature review will leave you with more work to do when you move to the next part of
the project, i.e. methodology]
4. Report how it has brought you closer to an answer to your research question(s).
5. Ensure all in text citations are correctly referenced.
6. Add a comprehensive List of References, in Harvard referencing style. [Students please be warned that
errors in referencing attract suspicion of plagiarism/academic misconduct and may require detailed
investigation, prompting a request for further information from you regarding your sources.
Assignment 2 – Literature Review – Marking Rubric
Identification of appropriate Body of Knowledge [Max 5 marks]
Depth of literature search
[Max 5 marks]
Quality of Literature Sourced
[Max 5 marks]
Structure of the
Literature Review
[max 5 marks]
Design, content and flow of discussions or arguments
[Max 4 marks]
Referencing (in-text and reference list)
[Max 4 marks]
Appendix (who
4-5 marks
Cited sources are all current and relevant
The sources provide an excellent depth of contextual understanding
At least 12
additional sources of excellent quality
The literature review is extremely
well-structured, with sub-sections and logical paragraphing
The literature
review is
exceptionally welldesigned, with interesting and well-formulated discussion or argument that makes for compelling reading
Excellent in all
respects, both intext and the reference list
Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
3-4 marks 2-3 marks 1-2 marks 0-1 mark
Cited sources Cited sources Cited sources Irrelevant or poorlyare mostly are somewhat are marginally selected sources
current and current and current and
relevant relevant relevant
The sources The sources The sources Insufficient depth
provide a very provide a good provide a
good depth of depth of satisfactory
contextual contextual depth of
understanding understanding contextual
At least 12 At least 10 At least 8 Low quality
21/01/2021 [Solved] 62781 – Assignment 2 Specifications• The assignment 4/5
additional additional additional literature, lack of
sources of very sources of high sources of academic sources,
high quality quality satisfactory or less than 8
quality relevant sources
The literature The literature The literature No or little logical
review is very review is well- review is structure
well-structured, structured, sufficiently
with sub- with sub- structured, with
sections and sections and sub-sections
logical logical and logical
paragraphing paragraphing paragraphing
The literature The literature The literature Difficult to make
review is very review is well- review is sense of what is
well-designed, designed, with sufficiently well- written; significant
with interesting interesting designed, with grammatical or
and well- discussion or discussion or spelling mistakes.
formulated argument that argument at Not of a sufficiently
discussion or makes for good least worthy of high standard for an
argument that reading reading MBA Capstone
makes for very Project.
good reading
Very good in all Good in-text Satisfactory in Unsatisfactory
respects, both and the both in-text and referencing
in-text and the reference list the reference
reference list list
wrote what)
[Max 2 marks]
Appended Not appended
Total (30)

The assignment must be in MS Word format, single spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers.


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