The City of God, according to Augustine, is the final destination of every Christian and meanwhile it has an actual role in this world. Can you explain how Augustine makes sense of this double condition of the Christian Civitas?

The City of God, according to Augustine, is the final destination of every Christian and meanwhile it has an actual role in this world. Can you explain how Augustine makes sense of this double condition of the Christian Civitas?.

Reading questions on Augustine and Machiavelli
1. The City of God, according to Augustine, is the final destination of every Christian and meanwhile it has an actual role in this world. Can you explain how Augustine makes sense of this double condition of the Christian Civitas?
2. Summarize Augustine theory of the two forms of love and their relation to pagan and Christian politics.
3. Referring to the assigned selections of the City of God and using at least a couple of quotations from the book, reconstruct Augustine story about Cain, Abel and the origin of the two cities
4. Sketch Machiavelli’s conception of the relation between virtù and fortune enlightening its important both in relation to the foundation of new princedoms (Chap. 6-10) and to qualities of the Prince (14-19)
5. In what respect Machiavelli political thought defy some of the basic assumptions of Augustine political philosophy?
6. Why for Machiavelli is cruelty in some occasion is preferable to mercy? Why being feared is sometime preferable to be loved?
Assignment on Hobbes
1. Summarize Hobbes theory of Authorization and Representation (Chap. XVI) and its relation with Hobbes conception of the Commonwealth (Chap. XVII)
2. What is the relation between Hobbes’ conception of Freedom at the State of Nature (Chap. XIV) and Hobbes conception of freedom in the civil state (Chap. 21)?

The City of God, according to Augustine, is the final destination of every Christian and meanwhile it has an actual role in this world. Can you explain how Augustine makes sense of this double condition of the Christian Civitas?


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