The original myth of the labyrinth and minotaur

The original myth of the labyrinth and minotaur.


1. The forest or woods appears as both an actual place and a metaphor, symbol or trope* in at least three of our readings. Discuss and compare, using details and examples, the significance to our theme of the labyrinth to the story and the protagonist in at least two readings.


2. Dreams and sleep are mentioned in many of our readings, starting from the original myth of the labyrinth. Discuss the significance of dreams and sleep in at least four readings, using examples and details from the readings, and also discuss the connections between the readings (related to sleep and dreams).


3. In the original myth of the labyrinth and minotaur, Ariadne “guides” Theseus through the labyrinth by providing him with a scarlet (or gold) thread. This idea of a guide is important in several of our readings. Discuss and compare in detail the role, purpose, and nature of the guide in at least four readings.


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The original myth of the labyrinth and minotaur


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