The Paris Opera in Mozart’s The Magic Flute

The Paris Opera in Mozart’s The Magic Flute.


Identify the location of the performance or event. Is it a theater? Museum? Gallery? Church? Community Center? Park or garden? Etc. If the location is important in the experience of the event, explain why.
Describe in detail what you saw or heard.
If a costume is important, describe the costume. If a musical instrument is important, describe the instrument. If a particular design or style is important, describe the design. If you are not familiar with the design or style, research it. If a person’s voice is important, describe the sound of that voice (or group of voices).
Some elements that might be important: Visuals such as colors, textures, geometric shapes, directions of travel (where movement is concerned), levels (high, low, medium), scale (very large to very small), physical relationships between/among people or groups of people, physical relationships between/among objects. Is the work emotional, intellectual, spiritual, political, religious, cultural, etc?
In the case of a visual arts or sculpture exhibit, identify the medium: photography (digital or film), oil paint, tempera, watercolor, pen and ink, woodcut, lithograph, mosaic, etc. Was there a theme? If so explain the theme. Describe the colors, textures, scale of the works, important shapes or designs. Identify the primary artistic intent of the work.
In the case of a music performance, identify the style: jazz, blues, classical, Renaissance, folk, flamenco, raga, cultural, etc. Also identify the form: song, opera, symphony, sonata, improvisation, etc. Identify the volume of the music: loud, soft, medium, etc. Identify the number of musicians or singers. Why is this the appropriate number of performers for the type of music you heard? Identify the musical instruments used. What did the music sound like? Rhythmic? Harsh? Delicate? Soulful? Romantic? Sad? Lonely? Exciting? Or combinations of these and other elements?
In the case of an opera performance, use the instructions for both music and theater, or music and dance, if applicable.
In the case of a dance performance, identify the music (if any), the number of dancers and the style of dance: ballet, jazz, tap, modern dance, flamenco, folkloric, cultural (and the culture it comes from), ballroom, etc. Describe the costumes, music, and any scenery or props. Describe any patterns or formations the dancers are making: straight lines, circles, wedge shapes, starburst, couples, trios, etc. Describe the movements the dancers are executing: turning sliding, leaping, stretching, kicking skipping reaching, etc. Explain the primary artistic intent of the dance: story, mood or emotion, abstract, etc.
In the case of architecture, identify the function of the building: theater, courthouse, home, apartment, office building, school, cathedral, mosque, technically specific for a particular function (such as an airport), etc. Identify the materials it is made of: concrete block, marble, wood, glass, mud, steel, brick, combinations of any of the previous plus other materials as appropriate. Identify the style of the building: classical, baroque, modernist, primitive, Islamic? Is the building well designed for its intended use? What makes this so or not so? In the case of an architectural exhibition, describe the theme or idea for the show. How was this communicated? Photos, models, descriptions, examples of materials, etc.
In the case of a theater performance, summarize the plot (1-2 paragraphs). Describe the costumes, scenery, and props and any background music or sound. Explain the role(s) of the main characters. Describe their personalities and what their relationships are like: loving, angry, confused, domineering, shy, control issues, etc. Explain the theme of the play. What is the primary dramatic conflict? How is it resolved? Or does it go unresolved? DO NOT SIMPLY RE-TELL THE PLOT!
Give your evaluation of the skill level of the artist(s) or architect. Give your opinion of the event you attended. Was it artistically successful? If so, why? If you feel that it was not successful, explain what was missing.

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The Paris Opera in Mozart’s The Magic Flute


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