The Sarbanes – Oxley Act was passed in June of 2002

The Sarbanes – Oxley Act was passed in June of 2002.

The Sarbanes – Oxley Act was passed in June of 2002. Research the significance of the legislation.
Explain why it was passed and its importance. Consider how you as the CEO of a corporation would use this knowledge to organize and improve the corporate governance inside your company.
All source’s must be properly cited. The paper must be submitted in APA format.
The assignment should be a minimum of 2500 words and meet the writing specifications outlined in the syllabus. Your submission will be graded using the rubric in the syllabus as well. Use at least 6 citations

Essay Grading Rubric
Learning Domain Category
Points: 0-20%

Points: 20-40%

Points: 60-80%

Points: 100%

No evidence for knowledge
Recalls some business content and definitions but not always accurately
Identifies most business definitions, principles, methodologies, and theories accurately
Identifies significant business definitions, principles, methodologies, and theories accurately

No evidence for understanding
Explains/demonstrates business ideas, concepts, and principles with limited accuracy and irrelevant examples
Explains/demonstrates business ideas, concepts, and principles with some accuracy and relevant examples
Explains/demonstrates business ideas, concepts, and principles accurately and relevant examples

No evidence for application

Applies business knowledge and concepts with little consistency or accuracy
Applies business knowledge and concepts with some degree of consistency and accuracy
Applies business knowledge and reasoning with consistency and accuracy
No evidence for analysis
Breaks down theories, strategies, and methods into their elements with difficulty
Breaks down theories, strategies, and methods into their elements with minimal difficulty
Breaks down theories strategies, and methods into their elements with accuracy
No evidence for synthesis
Integrates relevant knowledge from diverse business perspectives with little depth and breadth
Integrates relevant knowledge from diverse business perspectives with some depth and breadth
Integrates relevant knowledge from diverse business perspectives with depth and breadth
No evidence for evaluation
Determines with a minimal degree of effectiveness
business theories, policies, or choices in problem-solving
Determines with some degree of effectiveness business theories, policieiqus, or choices in problem-solving

Source link

The Sarbanes – Oxley Act was passed in June of 2002


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