The United Nations is our World’s greatest mechanism for making peace

The United Nations is our World’s greatest mechanism for making peace.

St Vincent’s College
Year 12 Legal Studies 2021
Assessment Activity 3 Student Name/Number
Research activity
Topic: Option 1: World Order Date Due:
Term 2, Week 7
Day 5, Friday, 4th June, 2021
(submit before 8.40am) Weighting: 25%
Assessment Policy: It is your responsibility to adhere to the full Assessment Policy inclusive of the Illness/Misadventure Policy located in your Assessment Handbook.
? You are to write an extended response addressing the question below.
? This notification must be submitted with the assessment activity.
? You are to hand in your typed submission on Day 5, Friday, 4th June 2021, between 8:15 and 8:40 am in the drop box in the Head of House office
If you are entitled to reasonable adjustments for this activity in compliance with the DDA, these adjustments will be made in consultation with your teacher.
H2. Describes and explains key features of and the relationship between Australian and international law
H3. Analyses the operation of domestic and international legal systems
H5. Explains the role of law in encouraging cooperation and resolving conflict, as well as initiating and responding to change
H8. Locates, selects, organises, synthesises and analyses legal information from a variety of sources including legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents
H10. Communicates legal information using well-structured and logical arguments
Students are required to undertake research and submit a response to the following question:
‘The United Nations is our World’s greatest mechanism for making peace’
Gillian Sorensen
Evaluate this statement in relation to legal issues and remedies affecting World Order. In your response you must refer to the 2011 Libyan conflict and ONE other contemporary issue that demonstrates compliance and non-compliance of international legal measures.
? Maximum word count: 2000 words
? Students are required to submit a bibliography and include in-text referencing using the Harvard style of referencing.
Gillian Sorensen is the former United Nations assistant secretary-general for external relations. Sorensen currently works with groups and organizations committed to peace, justice, development, refugees, and human rights.
In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
? demonstrate knowledge and understanding of legal issues relevant to the question
? communicate using relevant legal terminology and concepts
? refer to relevant examples such as legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents
? present a sustained, logical and cohesive response to the question
Student No ________________________________

? Makes a clear and informed judgement using criteria on the statement and relates it to legal issues and remedies affecting world order
? Makes extensive reference to the 2011 Libyan conflict and ONE other contemporary issue that demonstrates compliance and non-compliance of international legal measures
? Integrates relevant examples such as legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents.
Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response to the question using relevant legal terminology and concepts.
Provides clear evidence of in-text referencing and includes an accurate and extensive range of sources in the bibliography. 21-25
? Makes a clear judgement using explicit or implicit criteria on the statement and relates it to legal issues and remedies affecting world order
? Makes substantial reference to the 2011 Libyan conflict and ONE other contemporary issue that demonstrates compliance and non-compliance of international legal measures
? Uses relevant examples such as legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents.
Presents a logical and cohesive response to the question using relevant legal terminology and concepts.
Provides evidence of in-text referencing and includes a range of sources in the bibliography. 16-20
? Makes a limited judgement on the statement and relates it to legal issues and remedies affecting world order
? Makes reference to the 2011 Libyan conflict and ONE other contemporary issue that demonstrates compliance and non-compliance of international legal measures
Makes reference to examples such as legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents.
Presents a structured response to the question using relevant legal terminology and concepts.
Provides some evidence of in-text referencing and includes some sources in the bibliography 11-15
? Makes reference to the statement and to legal issues and remedies affecting world order
? Makes statements on the 2011 Libyan conflict or ONE other contemporary issue that
? demonstrates compliance and non-compliance of international legal measures Makes limited reference to examples such as legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents.
Uses some relevant legal terminology.
Provides basic evidence of in-text referencing and includes a limited range of sources in the bibliography. 6-10
? Writes in general terms about the statement or legal issues and remedies affecting World Order.
? Writes in general terms about the 2011 Libyan conflict or ONE other contemporary issue May include reference to legislation, cases, media, international instruments and documents. May refer to general legal terms.
May or may not include a bibliography. 1-5

Marker: ____________________________ Signature: ______________________ Date: __________________
Mark: _______ / ______
Teacher Feedback (Informing – areas of strength/Transforming – areas for growth)
Student Reflection (Empowering learning growth from feedback) I have learnt from this activity that… I still need to grow my ability to…
I will do this by…

The United Nations is our World’s greatest mechanism for making peace


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