There are 3 questions for this writing assignment. Please look at the files to answer questions. 1. Compare and contrast enslaved labor and indentured labor, Discuss the pros and cons of both enslaved labor & indentured labor (length of response should be 3 Paragraphs)

There are 3 questions for this writing assignment. Please look at the files to answer questions. 1. Compare and contrast enslaved labor and indentured labor, Discuss the pros and cons of both enslaved labor & indentured labor (length of response should be 3 Paragraphs).

There are 3 questions for this writing assignment. Please look at the files to answer questions. 1. Compare and contrast enslaved labor and indentured labor, Discuss the pros and cons of both enslaved labor & indentured labor (length of response should be 3 Paragraphs)
2. Looking at “The Hamitic Hypothesis; its Origin and Functions in Time Perspective,” by Edith Sanders, compare and contrast the changing interpretations of the “Hamitic Myth,” which alternatively views the purported descendants of Ham as being both black AND white. Make sure to discuss the factors that led to the reinterpretation of the myth. (length of response should be 3 Paragraphs) Read the Hamitic hypothesis to answer this question.
3. A Captive African: Describe the typical experience a captive African would have endured on a slave ship as they crossed the middle passage. This response should be in the first or third person. (length of response should be 3 Paragraphs) Read the projects Gutenburg ebooks pages 14, 17, 23-30 to help answer this question.

There are 3 questions for this writing assignment. Please look at the files to answer questions. 1. Compare and contrast enslaved labor and indentured labor, Discuss the pros and cons of both enslaved labor & indentured labor (length of response should be 3 Paragraphs)


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