This assignment is based on Bowen Theory . You are encouraged to seek further assistance through the Internet. The information in each section serves as a guide. Follow the format exactly as depicted below.

This assignment is based on Bowen Theory . You are encouraged to seek further assistance through the Internet. The information in each section serves as a guide. Follow the format exactly as depicted below..

Guidelines for Personal Family Genogram Report
This assignment is based on Bowen Theory . You are encouraged to seek further assistance through the Internet. The information in each section serves as a guide. Follow the format exactly as depicted below.
Reference: “Creating the Family Genogram.” Enclose the diagram of your family. You can either use computer software or draw your genogram using Word software and imbed it into this file. If you hand draw it, make sure it is legible, then scan it and save it as a PDF file, and submit it as a second attachment. Reference as to where to find your genogram must be stated in this section.
Description of Genogram
Describe in narrative form your genogram. It must contain four generations consisting of: your grandparents (1st generation) your parents/caretakers (2nd generation), you and siblings (3rd generation), and your children (4th generation). If you do not have children, then omit the 4th generation. Identify deaths (causes and dates); dates of marriages, divorces, and separations. Recognize significant life changes i.e. relocations and traumas. Identify abuses (sexual, physical, & psychological), drugs and alcohol use and abuse, medical and mental illnesses, and legal histories. You can create a legend to name symbols that are not standardized genogram codes.
Family Patterns and Structure
Examine the generations of your genogram by identifying patterns that repeat themselves over the generations. Pattern configurations will “jump out” signifying critical family themes, e.g., multiple marriages, drug abuse etc.
Identify social, economic and political events that affected your family’s structure i.e. a divorce that resulted in a change in structure from a two-parent family into a one-parent family.
The Family of Origin and Nuclear Family Emotional Systems
The family of origin consists of your parents and siblings whereas the nuclear family is the family you are presently living with. When a family experiences a conflict, anxiety emerges. Describe how your family of origin and your nuclear family cope with anxiety and explain how it was expressed and managed. Elaborate the way you handled anxiety as a child and how you handle it as an adult today. Multigenerational Transmission Process
Examine and explain how anxiety, anger, sadness and joy were expressed between generations. Explain how this influences how you express your emotions and transmit it to family members.
Emotional Cut-off
Emotional cut-off is the outcome of unresolved emotional attachments with family members in which anxiety and emotions become so intense that family members can no longer tolerate connection with each other. Examine and describe how emotions are cut-off in your family. Explain how you cut-off intrapsychically and interpersonally.
Family Projection Process
Psychological projection is a defensive method of unconsciously coping with difficult feelings and emotions. It involves projecting (blaming) undesirable feelings onto someone else like when a parent’s anxiety is focused on a child. Identify and describe the way your primary caretakers projected their emotions onto you when you were a child. Examine the feelings that were generated as a result of the way your caretakers projected negative feelings onto you as a child and reflect how this affects you today. Triangles
Triangles occurs when two persons in your family cannot tolerate the tension, anxiety, or conflict between them, in which a 3rd person is drawn into the conflict in an attempt to ease tension. Identify triangles you experienced in your family of origin and explain how you and/or your other family members continue them to this day.
Describe and elaborate on how you learned to adapt when faced with adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress. Explain how you cope and overcome difficulties and how you manage your emotions. Describe how this impacts your view of your “self”, i.e., self-concept and self-esteem. Describe the degree of autonomy you believe you have today as an adult to think and act for yourself in relation to the intensity of being pulled to conform. Introspection & Reflection
Evaluate your personal feelings that surfaced as a result of writing this paper. Express your thoughts and identify the feelings associated with those thoughts.

This assignment is based on Bowen Theory . You are encouraged to seek further assistance through the Internet. The information in each section serves as a guide. Follow the format exactly as depicted below.


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