undertake a factor analysis of the CES-D items using principal axis factoring, two factors, and oblique rotation.

undertake a factor analysis of the CES-D items using principal axis factoring, two factors, and oblique rotation..

Now you will undertake a factor analysis of the CES-D items using principal axis factoring, two factors, and oblique rotation. Proceed with the same set of variables as in Exercise B3. You can remove some of the Descriptive options (e.g., no further need for the KMO test or inspection of the anti-image matrix). Click the Extraction pushbutton and in this dialog box, select Methods ➜ Principal axis factoring; Analyze ➜ Correlation matrix; Display (no options); and Extract ➜ Number of factors: 2. Then click Continue and select Rotation in the original dialog box. Select Method ➜ Direct Oblimin; Delta ➜ 0; Display ➜ Rotated solution. Click Continue and run the analysis by clicking OK. Then answer the following questions: (a) In the pattern matrix, did any item have a loading greater than .30 on both factors? (b) How many items had loadings greater than .40 on Factor I and Factor II? Were there any items that did not load on either factor with a loading of at least .40? (c) What would you name the factors? (d) What is the correlation between the two factors? What does this suggest about orthogonal versus oblique rotation?

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undertake a factor analysis of the CES-D items using principal axis factoring, two factors, and oblique rotation.


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