UPP010 XAB011 Assessment Task 4 – Unit Reflection

UPP010 XAB011 Assessment Task 4 – Unit Reflection.

UPP010 XAB011 Assessment Task 4 – Unit Reflection
Review your journal logs throughout this semester to formulate your reflection on this unit. Use the following questions to guide your reflection on Learning at University, being a student, and the practice of reflection itself. Do not answer the questions directly, your assessment should demonstrate your answers to the questions through reflective practice. You can incorporate your reflective journal entries written over the semester as part of the reflection.
Remember, you are not just describing, but analysing your thoughts and developing further actions based on your reflections and the outcome of where you’d like this to lead to.
Important note: Please do not reuse or copy/paste ANY part of your Assessment 1 – Journal Reflection as part of this assessment. That is self-plagiarism and a breach of academic integrity.
Word Count: 800-1000 words (not including supporting evidence and in-text citations)
Guiding Questions:
What content in Learning at University resonated with you? Describe, analyse, and evaluate how you could practically apply this content to your learning journey. What outcomes would you like to see?
What lessons have you learnt this semester at university in general? What would you change or consolidate further? How could these lessons be applied to your overall life as well?
What are the benefits of reflection? How can regular reflection support students in the personal learning journey? What are your thoughts around reflective practice and the possible outcomes of practicing this skill?
Your reflection should consist of:
• Reflective essay
• 1-5 pieces of supporting evidence copy and pasted in an Appendix at the end
Supporting evidence
Supporting evidence can be padlet answers, activities/tasks completed over the semester, descriptions of participation in discussion questions, or journal log entries (not the same one from AT1)
Please refer to your supporting evidence in your reflection. You do not need to add them to a reference list. It would come under personal communication/lecture. You can reference yourself or the lecturer/facilitator.
How to reference in-text (Harvard)
As part of your text, state where the evidence is located (in a lecture/padlet/via a survey), the date it was created, the author’s first initial.surname, then refer to your appendix in parentheses.
For example:
In a Padlet on 27 April 2021 M.Stewart stated …….(see Appendix A)
You are welcome to include external sources as well, but it is not necessary and not part of the assessment criteria.
Please make sure you have edited and proofread your work and read through the ‘style’ guidelines in the Unit Outline on how to academically present your work.
Assessment Criteria
Assessment Criteria allows students to understand the requirements and outcomes they will be assessed against.
1. Reflect on skills, techniques, and strategies for learning.
2. Apply a reflective model to practice.
3. Use creative techniques and formats to communicate ideas and information.
Assessment Submission
Please submit a Word Document, titled with assessment task, student name, and student number.
Please ensure you correctly name your document “Assessment Task 1 – Unit Reflection”
Submit in myLO under ‘Unit Reflection’
1. Select ‘Assessments’ from the menu across the top of the unit
2. Select ‘Assignments’
3. Select correct assessment task
4. Read through rubric
5. Select ‘Add a file’ then click Submit
6. You will receive an email to confirm you have submitted your assessment.
Due Date: Friday May 14, 11:59 pm
If an extension is needed, please contact your workshop facilitator or unit coordinator at least 24 hours before the due date with information and/or medical certificate if needed.

You should refer to the Assessment Task Rubric to make sure that you are addressing the criteria that you will be marked against.

UPP010 XAB011 Assessment Task 4 – Unit Reflection


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