Using the resources that have been provided in this subject, discuss how an older person with dementia can be cared for during an admission to an acute care hospital.

Using the resources that have been provided in this subject, discuss how an older person with dementia can be cared for during an admission to an acute care hospital..

Assessment 3: Written assessment (2000 words). Written proposal for a practice/care improvement for people with dementia admitted to hospital (50%)
Due Date: Monday 22 2021 at 2300.
1, 2, 3 & 4
Using the resources that have been provided in this subject, discuss how an older person with dementia can be cared for during an admission to an acute care hospital. You must ensure that you have included the following aspects of the care in this assignment:
• Discuss the best Model of care for an older person with dementia and their families during an acute care admission.
• What challenges could occur for an older person with dementia and their families during an acute care admission? Discuss two challenges that can occur and give suggestions on how they can be managed.
• Discuss what communication strategies should be used when caring for an older person with dementia and their families in the acute care setting.
• Describe what community services should be made available for people with dementia and their carers on discharge from hospital.
Other information
• Make sure you have read the Marking Rubric for this assignment, as it provides guidance about how the assignment will be assessed.
• Ensure each section has approximately the same number of words.
• Your proposal should include reference to between 13 and 20 credible peer-reviewed references.
• Please use 12 font and double spacing.
• Use APA 6 formatting & citation style (go to
• Submit your work via Turnitin using the submission template provided.
General Information
Please refer to the Subject Learning Guide for information about:
• Academic Integrity/Originality
• Extensions and Special Consideration
• Learning & Support Programs at LTU.
• Support from the Library.

Using the resources that have been provided in this subject, discuss how an older person with dementia can be cared for during an admission to an acute care hospital.


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