Was the concept of civil society invented for good reason?

Was the concept of civil society invented for good reason?.

Specify Argumentation to Answer the Question:
Was the concept of civil society invented for good reason?

Course Content:
This course investigates various ways in which the state’s authority to act has been underpinned in Europe, both ideologically and institutionally, in the modern period. It looks at how the state has been used to give expression to the democratic principle, and the ways this has been undermined or rejected. The module aims to provide students with a deep analytical understanding of the changing role of the state in European society.

Although online assessments require some in-text referencing to convey a general sense of your approach to the questions, you are not required to include a bibliography or a list of references at the end of your submission. Whenever you use the words or thoughts of another, you need only reference it in (Name, Year) format in the text of your answer. When inserting a section of text (of any size) from someone else’s work in to your own, you must use quotation marks and a reference to the source in (Name, Year: Page) format to make clear that you are citing verbatim. Failure to do so may resuiqult in allegations of plagiarism.

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Was the concept of civil society invented for good reason?


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