What are the values and the ethical positions that underpin your perspectives?

What are the values and the ethical positions that underpin your perspectives?.

For this assessment, you will be required to develop and thoroughly analyze a public policy in order to advocate for one that improves the health of the public and/or the nursing profession globally (local, state, national, or international). To do this, you will reflect on several aspects of being a policy maker within the nursing position. A few things to consider are:

•   Why did you select the health or nursing profession policy issue?
•   How does this issue affect nursing practice, healthcare delivery, and health outcomes for individual, families, and/or communities?
•   What are the values and the ethical positions that underpin your perspectives?
•   What are the criteria you will use to evaluate the success (outcomes) of your proposed policy change?

By using both a top-down and a bottom-up approach, you will analyze and bring the nursing perspective to policy makers and stakeholders. Identifying the values and ethical perspectives that underpin your position, you will develop criteria to evaluate the success of your work. This will lead to a created a policy brief that can be sent to decision makers and created a plan to work with an organization/community to promote policy change at the local level.

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What are the values and the ethical positions that underpin your perspectives?


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