What benefits would it bring to the child , the carer or the child/carer dyad?

What benefits would it bring to the child , the carer or the child/carer dyad?.


Imagine that you have been allocated the following case:

Child protection case where the child or young person is at risk of neglect and the parent or carer needs to adapt some of their parenting strategies in order to better protect their son or daughter and ensure their needs are met.

The assessment is in 2 parts:

1. Create one or more direct work tool which you could use with the child/young person on their own, Or the parent /carer on their own, Or the child/ carer dyad. This direct tool must be loaded in a form of a photograph or video.

2. Explain in 1500 words

* why you have chosen this tool?

*How you would use it in practice ?

*What benefits would it bring to the child , the carer or the child/carer dyad?

Explanation should include references to the knowledge which informs child & family social work such as relevant theory and research/law, policy/ethics.

To enable to respond to the 1500 words rationale it is anticipated that you will draw on wide range of source, including research, journals & text book(online) and appropriate information from internet which is of sufficient rigour sites such as NSPCC, Bernardo’s, Government documentation etc. Demonstrate an understanding of the legal framework and how it relates to work with children & Families. Assignments are expected to be completed including references to social work values, professional codes and other appropriate frameworks such as Knowledge of Skills Statement, PCF etc. These should be incorporated in a meaningful way. Sub headings can be used but not mandatory.

Tutor Advice- Tell me about the context of neglect, prevelances rates, impacts and vulnerability factors. How can we help children/parents in this context and what works. Theoretical frameworks may include discussion of the typology of neglect, ACE’s, Attachment, Child Development and ways of working with such families. You can choose the voice of a child tool and expand on it or any tool of your choice.

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What benefits would it bring to the child , the carer or the child/carer dyad?


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