. What were the conditions that Native Americas lived, and what were some of the Revolts against Spanish and Mission rule.

. What were the conditions that Native Americas lived, and what were some of the Revolts against Spanish and Mission rule..

1. What were the conditions that Native Americas lived, and what were some of the Revolts against Spanish and Mission rule.

2, Describe John Fremont and how he treated the Californios and the death of Jose De Los Reyes Berryessa Berryessa, and the twins Francisco and Ramon de Haro?

3. What were the natural causes and European efforts that caused the Californios to decline?

5. Describe the Luges trial?

6. Please describe Francisco Ramirez and El Clamor Publico and what incidents he covered of abuse and injustices against the Californios

7. Define Social banditry according to British Historian Eric Hobsbawm and

define Chicano Social bandits according to Pedro Castillo and Albert Camarillo?

9 . Describe the life of Tiburcio Vasquez, how and where he grew up, which other Californios were they related to, the home his mother built, and what led to him becoming what Anglo society called a bandit?

10. What acts did Tiburcio Vasquez commit that branded him a bandit?

. What were the conditions that Native Americas lived, and what were some of the Revolts against Spanish and Mission rule.


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