When you organize your paper, use the questions that I provide as an organizing device — or provide summary subheadings so that I know which question you are answering..
When you organize your paper, use the questions that I provide as an organizing device — or provide summary subheadings so that I know which question you are answering.
Essay on diversity and inclusion as a source of competitive advantage. Start by reading: Why Diversity Gives Businesses A Competitive Advantage (forbes.com) https://www.forbes.com/sites/samanthatodd/2019/05/05/the-business-case-for-diversity-a-competitive-advantage/?sh=28d58ad5a1b5
Then choose women as your focus. Read the associated articles: “A record number of women are Fortune 500 CEOs — but they still make up less than 8% of the list – CNN.”https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/04/business/fortune-500-women-ceos/index.html
Find articles on your own. Explore in greater detail some of the African American, Latinx, women and transgender CEOs mentioned in the literature. Address these questions in your 900 word paper
Given the competitive advantage assignment in Week 3, 1. how does the CEO contribute to competitive advantage?
2. How does a diverse and inclusive workplace contribute to competitive advantage?
3. What does diversity and inclusion mean to you?
4. Which of the CEOS profiled in the readings is appealing to you as a business student?
5. When you graduate, will you look for a firm that offers a diverse and inclusive environment?