Why does this situation require integrated marketing as opposed to just public relations plans? Be sure your response indicates your understanding of integrated marketing concepts.

Why does this situation require integrated marketing as opposed to just public relations plans? Be sure your response indicates your understanding of integrated marketing concepts..

Integrated marketing communications, when done well, appear seamless, with no distinction among the marketing, promotion, and sales components. In this Application, you will use your critical thinking skills to analyze both the necessity for and use of public relations in the integrated marketing effort to support sales of a new drug for canine obesity.

Read the case study “National Canine Weight Check – Integrated.”

In a 2- to 3-page written document, review the importance of integrated marketing communications in the case. Be sure to answer the following questions:

Why does this situation require integrated marketing as opposed to just public relations plans? Be sure your response indicates your understanding of integrated marketing concepts.

What were the strengths and weaknesses of each step in the ROPE process?
Defend whether you believe National Canine Weight Check could have been successful using only public relations. Why or why not?

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Why does this situation require integrated marketing as opposed to just public relations plans? Be sure your response indicates your understanding of integrated marketing concepts.


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