Why HR should be a strategic partner at MacroEnterprises, Inc.

Why HR should be a strategic partner at MacroEnterprises, Inc..


Resource: SHRM Student Workbook, MacroEnterprises Case Study, Inc. Case

You are creating a presentation in the third person voice intended to be delivered to Pat, the HR Director for MacroEnterprises, Inc. Your role is that of an HR Consultant.

Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that makes a compelling argument for why HR should be a strategic partner at MacroEnterprises, Inc.

The presentation should be between 9 to 10 slides, not including the title page, Q&A page, or References page. Include brief speaker notes.
Include charts or diagrams such as the models, exhibits, and figures found in Chapter 3 of your Strategic Human Resource Management text to explain your argument for why HR should be a strategic partner. Remember the purpose of the presentation is to help turn Pat’s HR department into a strategic partner.
Summarize your argument using any of the case scenario information in the Student Workbook.


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Why HR should be a strategic partner at MacroEnterprises, Inc.


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