Why music sometimes considered controversial

Why music sometimes considered controversial.


What are the various meanings of the term ‘soul’? Who were some of the architects of this music? Why was their music sometimes considered controversial? Who objected to their music and why? How were some soul songs and artists directly related to the Civil Rights struggle?
What is funk music? Who developed it? What is Black Power (ideology), and who were its primary voices? Give some examples of how funk music expressed the ideology of Black Power.  Discuss the differences between Sly Stone’s political message in his music and that of James Brown.
Discuss Motown’s approach to political expression; did it change over time? If so, when? Why? Discuss at least 3 Motown songs that you think have a clear political message.
Discuss early (1970s-1990s) hip-hop music as an expression of social protest. Identify the major issues and artists, placing them in wider historical context. How does hip-hop act as a form of empowerment?
Discuss how popular music relates to the Black Lives Matter movement. What does the movement stand for? When did it start?

The post Why music sometimes considered controversial first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Why music sometimes considered controversial


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