Write a critical analysis of a topic and develop authors arguments.

Write a critical analysis of a topic and develop authors arguments..

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to write a critical analysis of a topic and develop authors arguments. The paper also provides additional information to use in the writing of the assignment paper. Below is the assessment description to follow:

Write a critical analysis of a topic and develop authors arguments.

Write a critical analysis of the topic. Summarize the topic, develop and discuss the arguments of the authors, and input and elaborate your own ideas on the topic. • MY CHOSEN TOPIC: Explain & analyze the ulterior motives of US intervention in Latin American nations like Guatemala, El Salvador, and also Nicaragua. AND the effect it had on that specific nation (economically, politically, socially, etc.) • Brief but detailed history of each nation that contextualizes US intervention. Why and how the US intervened? How was it justified? •

Who were the leaders/important people involved in government/ the resistance? • What was the response/resistance to US intervention? Was it successful? • What are key differences and similarities between these three nations in terms of the motivations of US intervention, its effects, and the nation’s response to intervention? • Additionally,  think the main theme here will be the US overthrowing democratically-elected leaders (often left-wing) to install right-wing dictators (friendly to US corporations) to push their own interests (ex. Economic/Political) often under the guise of fighting tyranny/communism.

However, I want you to develop and then show and explain the theme throughout all the interventions. • You have to use at least two academic sources. For ex, books, essays, articles, poems, films, etc. You can use articles, academic sources (JSTOR, etc). Please reference this documentary, Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America, at least once in the paper. It’s basically the basis for my paper and it explains US interventions in LA nicely. YouTube. • Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America : Link : If you think it’s useful, you’re free to use it or not • 6-7pgs, 12-font Times New Roman, MLA Format


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Write a critical analysis of a topic and develop authors arguments.


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