Write a paper reflecting on your abilities and career goals, and developing a long term (10 year) career planning guide relating to the four elements listed in Phases 1-4.

Write a paper reflecting on your abilities and career goals, and developing a long term (10 year) career planning guide relating to the four elements listed in Phases 1-4..

Write a paper reflecting on your abilities and career goals, and developing a long term (10 year) career planning guide relating to the four elements listed in Phases 1-4.
Phase 1: Define your career goal (s), identify needs and gaps that should be addressed to meet your professional goal (s). Career goal is Masters in nursing and an MBA.
Phase 2: Structure your goals including assessing your limitations and barriers, setting priorities, selecting alternate goals and selecting your preferred goals. List at least 1 career paths you might pursue and define the requirements needed to meet these goals. Be honest about your limitations whether they are age, family, finances so that your career goals are reasonable. You can also dream some. Currently only have an Associates degree in nursing. Would like to become Vice President of Clinical Services & Regulatory Affairs. Barriers are cost to continuing education, family responsibility, and job. Phase 3: Discuss Plan implementation including Action Steps and Activities for each step, resources needed to meet goal, estimated time required to meet each step and meet the final goal.
Phase 4: Discuss how you will monitor your progress. List the activity and time line.
INTERVIEW: Interview one practicing nurse who is performing a career like or closely like one of your alternative career goals. Do not use the person’s name, but list the job title and location. Document the following in your paper by asking the following questions: Interviewing a person at the current VP of clinical and regulatory position within a dialysis corporation in Nashville. An accomplished Healthcare Quality and Clinical Operations Executive, has over 25 years’ experience in healthcare. She specializes in Quality Assessment & Performance Improvement, Risk Management, and Training & Education. has considerable experience in the development of Policies & Procedures, Quality Management tools, and Training programs as well as the high volume multi-site implementation of the same. holds a MBA with a concentration in Healthcare Administration and a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. She is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) and a Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS).
Why did you select this career? How did you prepare for the career – educationally, experientially, etc. The Person has Master of Business Administration (MBA)Health/Health Care Administration/Management and Bachelor of nursing degree. Certified Nephrology Nurse (CNN), Certified Electronic Health Record Specialist (CEHRS), Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ)
What do you like best about this career? If you were making a career plan today, would you choose the same career? Yes
Reflective writing requires thinking about an event or idea and analyzing what it means to you. Write the paper using first-person and express your thoughts and opinions with regards to the assigned topic. Scholarly citations should be limited to the text. Use level headings for each of the four phases. Page limit: no less than 4 pages and no more than 8 pages of narrative content, excluding title page and references. Use no more than 2 direct quotations per page of narrative.
State if this interview influenced your career goals and if so, how.
Evaluation Rubric: Career Mapping
Evaluation Rubric: Career Mapping
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Develop a written career map with 4 phases
Develop a career map including all four career mapping phases. Use self assessment and thoughtful reflection to identify barriers and gaps that will need to be addressed to be successful. Career goal(s) should include at least one alternative path in addition to the preferred path. Goals should be measurable. 20 points is given to each phase.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Organization of Paper
APA format includes title page with running head, introductory and concluding paragraphs, level headings for each area and subheading, page no and references. Error-free writing composition (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc.) See sample format)
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Interview a person with a similar career and ask questions listed in syllabus addendum. Document answers and states if this interview has or has not influenced the student career choice.
20 pts
Total Points: 100

Write a paper reflecting on your abilities and career goals, and developing a long term (10 year) career planning guide relating to the four elements listed in Phases 1-4.


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