Write a review of the news article contents, discuss what type of microorganism it is, and if the organism is in nature or is used in industry

Write a review of the news article contents, discuss what type of microorganism it is, and if the organism is in nature or is used in industry.

Find a news article on your chosen microbe (poliovirus) published in the last 12 months in a main stream media source, this news article will be your main reference. Write a review of the news article contents, discuss what type of microorganism it is, and if the organism is in nature or is used in industry or research or if it causes disease. if it causes disease you must discuss transmission, increasing incidence, factors contributing to the spread of the organism, lab culturing, etc.
Be sure to use credible sources only as secondary information to explain any details missing from the news article. (What kind of organism it is, the gram reaction, how the organism affects us)
This can be a minimum of 300 words and a maximum of 400 words not including headings.
Cite all sources with parenthetical in text citations
Be sure to paraphrase and use APA 7th edition format

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Write a review of the news article contents, discuss what type of microorganism it is, and if the organism is in nature or is used in industry


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