Write about three methods that you have used and how and why they worked.

Write about three methods that you have used and how and why they worked..

Carnegie, Dale. How to Win Friends and Influence People. A good paper edition is ISBN 978-0-671-02703-2.

One quality that all people need to succeed in life is confidence. Yet Carnegie is strangely silent on this topic.

How can we gain confidence? What are three methods that have worked for you?

Write about three methods that you have used and how and why they worked.

Structure your essay according to the “How to Organize an Essay” handout in the Modules. You may write about how you faced any significant challenge in life such as:

– meeting friends at a new school

– learning how to drive a car

– moving away from home

– asking someone out on a date

– standing up to a bully

or any three experiences of your choice.

Write a minimum of 700 words (more words are OK).

Remember, follow the structure in the “How to Organize an Essay” module.

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Write about three methods that you have used and how and why they worked.


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