written report and video presentations.
Total Marks 25 % in written report + 10 % in video presentations
Word limit 3000 words ±500 words
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides
of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
• Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list
using Harvard referencing style.
Assignment Specifications
The first part of this assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students on what skills,
knowledge and experiences employers seek from Corporate Accountants and link the learnings objectives,
outcomes and contents of the subject with the skills, knowledge and experiences sought by employers.
The second part of the assignment aims at developing a clear understanding of students on different equity,
liability, and comprehensive income items reported by companies/ corporate groups.
Assessment task:
Part A
Collect AT LEAST 20 job advertisements on the position of ‘corporate accountant’, ‘corporate and
management accountant’ ‘senior accountant’, ‘tax accountant’, ‘corporate financial accountant’ ‘corporate
financial and management accountant’, ‘accountant corporate finance’, ‘senior financial accountant’ ‘senior
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accountant: tax and corporate reporting’ or any other similar positions published by Australian employers in
electronic or print media or in job search portals (such as seek, Jora, Indeed etc.) from the first week of the
Trimester to the week 8 of the Trimester.
Based on your collected advertisements, do the following tasks:
1. List all the personal attributes required from a corporate accountant that have been mentioned in the job
advertisements that you have collected with your detailed understanding of each of the attributes.
2. List all the key roles, tasks, responsibilities of a corporate accountant that have been listed in the
advertisements that you have collected and analysed.
3. Based on the key roles, tasks, responsibilities identified from your collected job advertisements, how those
key roles, tasks or responsibilities are related to the topics that you have learned in your MPA unit Corporate
4. What additional topics, attributes or learnings outcomes are missing from your MPA unit Corporate
Accounting that are listed on the job advertisement.
5. Critically examine the skills, experience and attributes needed to become a corporate accountant. Also,
critically evaluate how the topics that you have learned in your MPA unit Corporate Accounting have helped
you in gaining the skills, knowledge, experience and attributes needed to become a corporate accountant.
Part B
Select 1 (One) public limited company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) that are in the
same industry. The company must have subsidiary companies and must have prepared consolidated financial
statements. Download the latest annual reports consecutively for last two years of the company that you have
selected. Do not use your company’s interim financial statements or their concise financial statements. Please
read the financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in owner’s equity) very
carefully. Also, please read the relevant footnotes of your company’s financial statements carefully and
include information from these footnotes in your answer.
You need to do the following tasks:
6. From your company’s financial statements, list each item of equity reported and write your understanding
of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of equity for your company over last two years articulating
the reasons for the change.
7. From your company’s financial statements, list each item of liability reported and write your understanding
of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of liability for your company over last two years articulating
the reasons for the change.
8. What items have been reported in the other comprehensive income statement for each year?
9. Why have these items not been reported in Income Statement/Profit and Loss Statements?
10. Provide a comparative analysis of the items shown in the other comprehensive income statement section
for the two years. If these items were included in the income statement / profit and loss statements of each
year, how would the profit attributable to shareholders of the company be affected?
11. Should other comprehensive income be included in evaluating the performance of managers of the
Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Abstract – One paragraph
List of Content
Body of the assignment with detailed answer on each of the required tasks
List of references
Marking criteria
Marking criteria Weighting
Abstract 1%
List of content & overall presentation of the assignment 1%
Introduction 1%
Part A
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List all the personal attributes required from a corporate accountant that have been 1%
mentioned in the job advertisements that you have collected with your detailed
understanding of each of the attributes.
List all the key roles, tasks, responsibilities of a corporate accountant that have been 2%
listed in the advertisements that you have collected and analysed.
Based on the key roles, tasks, responsibilities identified from your collected job 2%
advertisements, how those key roles, tasks or responsibilities are related to the topics
that you have learned in your MPA unit Corporate Accounting.
What additional topics, attributes or learnings outcomes are missing from your MPA unit 2%
Corporate Accounting that are listed on the job advertisement.
Critically examine the skills, experience and attributes needed to become a corporate 2%
accountant. Also, critically evaluate how the topics that you have learned in your MPA
unit Corporate Accounting have helped you in gaining the skills, experience and
attributes needed to become a corporate accountant.
Part B
From your company’s financial statements, list each item of equity reported and write 2%
your understanding of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of equity for your
company over last two years articulating the reasons for the change.
From your company’s financial statements, list each item of liability reported and write 2%
your understanding of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of liability for your
company over last two years articulating the reasons for the change.
What items have been reported in the other comprehensive income statement for each 2%
Why have these items not been reported in Income Statement/Profit and Loss 2%
Provide a comparative analysis of the items shown in the other comprehensive income 2%
statement section for the two years. If these items were included in the income
statement / profit and loss statements of each year, how would the profit attributable to
shareholders of the company be affected?
Should other comprehensive income be included in evaluating the performance of 2%
managers of the company?
Conclusion 1%
TOTAL Weight in Written Assignment 25%
Video Presentation 10%
Total 35%
Instruction for video presentation:
Based on your written assignment you will have to make a summary video presentation ranging for 10
minutes. Your presentation should explain the assignment tasks and your key findings. Your assignment will
be marked based on the following criteria:
Presentation Style (3 Content (4 marks) Clarity of the presentation
marks) (3 marks)
Excellent 3-2.5 4-3 3-2.5
Very good 2.5-1.75 3-2.5 2.5-1.75
Good 1.75-1.5 2.5-2.00 1.75-1.5
Satisfactory 1.5-1.00 2.00-1.00 1.5-1.00
Unsatisfactory 1.00-0 1.00-0 1.00-0
Marking Rubric
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 0-49%
Abstract /1 Apply our judgement
List of content & /1 Apply our judgement
overall presentation
of the assignment
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Introduction /1 Apply our judgement
List all the personal /1 A good number of A good number of A good number of A small number of Only
few/no personal
attributes required personal attributes personal attributes personal attributes personal attributes attributes have
from a corporate required to be a required to be a required to be a required to be a identified. No
accountant that corporate accountant corporate accountant corporate accountant corporate accountant
explanation has been
have been have been identified have been identified have been identified have been identified provided.
mentioned in the from the job from the job from the job from the job
job advertisements advertisements with advertisements. advertisements. No advertisements. No
that you have detail explanation of Explanation of a few explanation has been explanation has been
collected with your each attribute. attributes have been provided for any of the provided for any of the
detailed provided. attributes attributes
understanding of
each of the
List all the key roles, /2
responsibilities of a
accountant that
A good number of key A good number of key A good number of key A small number of key Only few/no
key roles,
roles, tasks or roles, tasks or roles, tasks or roles, tasks or tasks or responsibilities
responsibilities of a responsibilities of a responsibilities of a responsibilities of a of a corporate
corporate accountant corporate accountant corporate accountant corporate accountant accountant that have
that have been that have been that have been that have been been mentioned in the
have been listed in mentioned in the job mentioned in the job mentioned in the job mentioned in the job job
the advertisements advertisements have advertisements have advertisements have advertisements have have
been identified.
that you have been identified. been identified. been identified. No been identified. No No explanation has
collected and Detailed explanations Explanation has been explanation has been explanation has been been
analysed. have been provided for provided for a few of provided for the provided for the
each of the identified the identified roles, identified roles, tasks identified roles, tasks
roles, tasks or tasks or or responsibilities. or responsibilities.
responsibilities. responsibilities.
Based on the key /2
roles, tasks,
identified from your
collected job
how those key
roles, tasks or
responsibilities are
related to the topics
that you have
learned in your
MPA unit
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What additional /2
topics, attributes or
learnings outcomes
are missing from
your MPA unit
Accounting that are
listed on the job
What needs to be
added or what
Have demonstrated an Have demonstrated a Have demonstrated a Have demonstrated a Have demonstrated a
excellent very good good level of very basic or just poor or no level of
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the acceptable level of understanding of the
relation of the topics relation of the topics relation of the topics understanding of the relation of the topics
included in the MPA included in the MPA included in the MPA relation of the topics included in the MPA
unit Corporate unit Corporate unit Corporate included in the MPA unit Corporate
Accounting with the Accounting with the Accounting with the unit Corporate Accounting with the
key roles, tasks or key roles, tasks or key roles, tasks or Accounting with the key roles, tasks or
responsibilities of a responsibilities of a responsibilities of a key roles, tasks or responsibilities of a
corporate Accountant corporate Accountant corporate Accountant responsibilities of a corporate Accountant
identified from the job identified from the job identified from the job corporate Accountant identified from
the job
advertisements. advertisements. advertisements. identified from the job advertisements.
Excellent discussions on Very good discussions A good discussion on A very basic or just Very poor or no
the limitations of MPA on the limitations of the limitations of MPA acceptable discussions discussion on the
Unit Corporate MPA Unit Unit Corporate on the limitations of limitations of MPA Unit
Accounting. Have Corporate Accounting Accounting has been MPA Unit Corporate
identified the topics has been provided. provided. Have clearly Corporate Accounting Accounting has been
that need to be added Have clearly identified identified the topics has been provided. provided. Have not
or omitted with the topics that need to that need to be added Have mentioned a few identified any topic
excellent informed be added or omitted. or omitted without topics that need to be that need to be added
reasoning provided in Have shown a good providing any added or omitted or omitted from the
line with the job reasoning. reasoning. Or the without providing any MPA unit
advertisements. reasoning is not reasoning. Corporate Accounting.
Page 8 of 11
needs to be informed by the job
omitted? advertisement.
Critically examine /2 An excellent discussion A very good discussion A good discussion on A very basic or
just Very poor or no
the skills, on the skills, on the skills, the skills, experience acceptable discussion discussion has been
experience and experience and experience and and attributes needed on the skills, provided on the skills,
attributes needed attributes needed to attributes needed to to become a corporate experience and experience
to become a become a corporate become a corporate accountant. The attributes needed to attributes needed to
corporate accountant. The accountant. The discussion is informed become a corporate become a corporate
accountant. Also, discussion is informed discussion is informed by the job accountant. The accountant. The
critically evaluate by the job by the job advertisements discussion is not discussion is not
how the topics that advertisements advertisements analysed. Have informed by the job informed by the job
you have learned in analysed. Have analysed. Have attempted to link the advertisements advertisements
your MPA unit provided excellent provided good skills, experience and analysed. A very basic analysed. No
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Corporate discussion linking the discussion linking the attributes learned in attempt to link the to link the
Accounting have skills, experience and skills, experience and Corporate skills, experience and experience and
helped you in attributes learned in attributes learned in Accounting. attributes learned in attributes learned in
gaining the skills, Corporate Corporate Corporate Corporate
experience and Accounting Accounting. Accounting. Accounting.
attributes needed
to become a
From your /2 Each items of equities Each items of equities Each items of equities Each items of equities Each
items of equities
company’s financial have been clearly have been clearly have been clearly have been clearly have not been
statements, list identified. identified. identified. identified. identified.
each item of equity Demonstrate a clear Demonstrate a good Demonstrate a good Demonstrate a poor
Demonstrate a very
reported and write understanding of each understanding of each understanding of each understanding of each
poor understanding of
your understanding item of equity and the item of equity and the item of equity. Does item of equity. Does
each item of. Des not
of each item. reason for the change reason for the change not demonstrate an not demonstrate an demonstrate
Discuss any changes understanding for the understanding for the understanding for the
in each item of reason for the change reason for the change reason for the change
equity for your
company over last
two years
Page 9 of 11
articulating the reasons for the change.
From your company’s financial
statements, list each item of liability reported and write your understanding of each item. Discuss any
changes in each item of liability for your company over last
two years
articulating the reasons for the change.
What items have been reported in
the other comprehensive income statement for each year?
Why have these items not been reported in Income Statement/Profit
and Loss Statements?
Each item of liability Each item of liability Each item of liability Each item of liability
has been clearly has been clearly has been clearly has been clearly
identified. identified. identified. identified.
Demonstrate a clear Demonstrate a good Demonstrate a good Demonstrate a poor
understanding of each understanding of each understanding of each understanding of each
item of liability and the item of liability and the item of liability. Does item of liability. Does
reason for the change reason for the change not demonstrate an not demonstrate an
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understanding for the understanding for the
reason for the change reason for the change
All items of the other All items of the other Items of the other An attempt was made
comprehensive income comprehensive income comprehensive income to identify Items of the
statement have been statement have been statement have been other comprehensive
clearly identified identified with minor identified with major income statement
errors errors
An excellent reasoning An excellent reasoning An excellent reasoning A good reasoning has
has been provided as to has been provided as to has been provided as to been provided as to
why other why other why other why other
comprehensive income comprehensive income comprehensive income comprehensive income
items are not shown in items are not shown in items are not shown in items are not shown in
the income statement the income statement. the income statement. the income statement.
with reference to the Reference to the No reference to the No reference to the
requirement of the requirement of the requirement of the requirement of the
specific Accounting specific Accounting specific Accounting specific Accounting
standards. standards has been standards has been standards has been
made with some errors. made. made.
Each item of liability
has not been clearly
Demonstrate a very
poor understanding of
each item of. Des not
demonstrate an
understanding for the
reason for the change
Items of
comprehensive income
statement have not
been identified
A poor/incorrect reasoning has been provided as to why
other comprehensive income items are not shown in the income statement. Or has mentioned that the other
comprehensive income items can be shown in the income
Page 10 of 11
Provide a comparative analysis of the items shown in the other comprehensive income statement section for
the two years. If these items were included in the income statement / profit and loss statements of each year,
how would the profit attributable to shareholders of the company be affected?
Should other comprehensive income be included in evaluating the
performance of managers of the company?
statement. No
reference to the
requirement of the
specific Accounting
standards has been
/2 An excellent A very good An attempt has been Comparative No acceptable
comparative discussion comparative discussion made to provide discussions have not discussion has been
has been provided on has been provided on comparative been provided, only a provided.
the two years. the two years. discussions but could general discussion has
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not do it quite well been provided
/2 An excellent argument A very good argument A good attempt has An attempt has been No acceptable
has been provided on has been provided on been made to provide made to provide an discussion has been
why the other why the other an argument on why argument on why the provided.
comprehensive income comprehensive income the other other comprehensive
should not be included should not be included comprehensive income income should not be
in evaluating the in evaluating the should not be included included in evaluating
managers’ managers’ in evaluating the the managers’
performance. performance. managers’ performance but could
performance. not clearly make the
/1 Apply our judgement