You are a member of the interdisciplinary team working with Barbara Lund, a 36-year-old woman recovering from a recent surgical resection of a malignant thoracic spinal cord tumor. Mrs. Lund has a supportive husband and a 2-year-old son.
I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study.You are a member of the interdisciplinary team working with Barbara Lund, a 36-year-old woman recovering from a recent surgical resection of a malignant thoracic spinal cord tumor. Mrs. Lund has a supportive husband and a 2-year-old son. Mrs. Lund’s husband, James, states, “I am really worried about Barbara because she was quite distressed for about 6 months prior to this surgery over the death of her father. I fear the surgery may have pushed her over the edge.” Currently, 2 weeks status post resection, Mrs. Lund is beginning to ask team members questions about her prognosis and potential functional abilities. She says, “I remember my surgeon trying to explain the surgery to me, but honestly, I didn’t really understand much of what he told me. I am a bit naive when it comes to anything medical.” Mrs. Lund appears quite ‘anxious about the cancer diagnosis and about how she will be able to continue caring for her son. What are two methods you might use to assess Mrs. Lund’s learning needs? List the advantages. And disadvantages of each method.
What major clues indicate Mrs. Lund’s readiness to learn? Using the PEEK model, identify potential obstacles that might interfere with her readiness to learn.
2.Describe the criteria your team and the client wi11 use to prioritize her learning needs. Give examples of specific learning needs that will likely be a priority. 4. According to the VARK model, how will knowledge of Mrs. Lund’s learning preference(s) affect your team’s instructional approach? Choose one VARK learning preference for Mrs. Lund and des1cri the instructional approach your team will use to support this preference.