You have already written the summary portion. See, you are already halfway finished with the assignment. The response portion will be YOUR argument. Think of it this way: You are writing a literary analysis of “The Story of an Hour”

You have already written the summary portion. See, you are already halfway finished with the assignment. The response portion will be YOUR argument. Think of it this way: You are writing a literary analysis of “The Story of an Hour”.

You have already written the summary portion. See, you are already halfway finished with the assignment. The response portion will be YOUR argument. Think of it this way: You are writing a literary analysis of “The Story of an Hour”, it just happens that the argument for your close reading literary analysis is set up in the article. You are using the article as a lens to see the story through. Do you agree, do you disagree, do you agree with aspects and disagree with others? The choice is yours. But remember, the second portion is an academic argument, so to be successful, you must include DIRECT QUOTES from the STORY, “The Story of an Hour” download
, to establish your claims. Here are some sentence stems to help you set up your response:
Things to remember for this assignment: Paragraph one is a SUMMARY of the scholarly article you selected.
There is no opinion or personal feelings added to this paragraph. Your topic sentence must have the author, article title, and his main argument included. here is a potential sentence stem to use: Author in “Article” argues________________
Paragraph two is a scholarly RESPONSE to the article you selected.
Although this is your opinion and your argument, you want to make sure that you are NOT using personal pronouns. If you find it really difficult to write without them, then include them and we will focus on revising the sentences out in the revision stage. Do you agree with the argument? Why? Do you disagree with the article’s argument? Why? How? Your topic sentence must clearly present a scholarly response to the article. There are numerous ways that you can set up a topic sentence for this. In case you are struggling, here are potential sentence stems to use based on the type of response you would like to make:
Agree with author’s argument in article: Author argues ______________ in “Article”, this __theme/idea/point______ is reinforced when/through/by ___moment/scene/character___.
Author uses ____moment/theme___ to describe ____character/point/theme_____ in “Article”; ____new moment/theme/character/idea___ also defines ___”Story”/theme/character___ in that way. Author uses ____moment/theme___ to describe ____character/point/theme_____ in “Article”; ____new moment/theme/character/idea___ also provides evidence for ____first theme/moment/argument____. Disagree with author’s argument in article:
Although Author in “Article” argues _________, Poe/Character/Theme/”Story” is actually ___your argument______.
Author argues ______ in “Article”; however, ____your argument______. The response section, similar to the summary, should be a minimum of 250 words.
Sample SRA Essay here is the summery I currently have please work this into what you write
In the story “The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, she tells a tale of a woman named Louise Mallard whose husband has supposedly died in a train accident. Louise has a bad heart issue so her sister and her husband’s friend Richard , who had heard the news from the local news paper office, had come over to break the news lightly to her. Upon hearing the news of her husband’s death, Louise begins to cry in her sister’s arms. A short while after her breakdown she then leaves her sister and Richard and runs to lock herself in her room. She then begins to feel a growing sense of freedom rush over her. The idea of having freedom to do as she wanted without the burden of her husband starts to overtake her and she grows incredibly happy. Unfortunately as she comes down stairs, her husband, who turns out to not be dead and has not a clue about any train accident, walks through the door completely unaware of what is about to become. At the sight of her husband, Louise dies right then and there. The doctor later diagnosed her death as “ heart disease, of the joy that kills”

You have already written the summary portion. See, you are already halfway finished with the assignment. The response portion will be YOUR argument. Think of it this way: You are writing a literary analysis of “The Story of an Hour”


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