You have chosen what area you want to work on and see yourself grow in–now is the time to come up with your action plan, that you will implement to make the changes you have identified for yourself. Part2: Create a “treatment plan” for yourself outlining:

You have chosen what area you want to work on and see yourself grow in–now is the time to come up with your action plan, that you will implement to make the changes you have identified for yourself. Part2: Create a “treatment plan” for yourself outlining:.

You have chosen what area you want to work on and see yourself grow in–now is the time to come up with your action plan, that you will implement to make the changes you have identified for yourself. Part2: Create a “treatment plan” for yourself outlining:
-The purpose and aim of the goal (including historical factors or patterns in behavior that are pertinent–>use the info from assignment #1)
– What steps you are already or will take to work on the goal. Make these steps clear and followable.
-How your existing strengths/supports will help you and/or your potential impediments will hinder your process of change as you have outlined it through the action steps. Make the steps reasonable and attainable and identify a timeline for implementation over the remainder of weeks left this semester in field
this is my first goal below now you read this and writer a treatment plan
I regard advocacy as one of the most crucial and fundamental skills that a professional social worker must-have. It is an essential tool that contributes to positive changes in clients’ lives and enables social workers to assist them to overcome various challenges. Through advocacy, social workers create an environment that empowers individuals and communities burdened by different problems. By focusing on their clients’ needs, social workers advocate for social justice. As a future social worker, I have experienced challenges when trying to connect clients with the resources they need. Last semester, I struggled to link some residents to legal and educational materials they required. Hence, I vowed to change and improve my advocacy skills.
As an intern at Legal Hands for the Neighbors in Action program, I have witnessed the value of advocacy skills in social work. It is an area that I want to improve on since it will determine my capacity to impact clients’ lives positively. While I currently work remotely, my ability to communicate with clients and other stakeholders interested in touching the lives of others has grown. It is a strength that will support my journey of advancing my advocacy skills. Besides communication proficiency, I have the professional commitment and patience required to handle clients and partners. Thus, I will rely on these strengths to increase my advocacy skills. I have observed the essence of excellent advocacy skills. The Neighbors in Action agency is an organization that focuses on providing clients with links to vital resources. A possible obstacle that could impede my progress is the limited availability of resources to improve the quality of life for all vulnerable groups. Education, housing services, and legal information are essential resources that clients need. My short-term objective is to acquire advocacy skills that will enable me to navigate the system and connect residents to resources. My long-term goal is to become a competent advocate with a robust network that increases access to the required resources. Thus, I aspire to become a professional social worker with innovative ways of identifying and obtaining resources that the residents need.

You have chosen what area you want to work on and see yourself grow in–now is the time to come up with your action plan, that you will implement to make the changes you have identified for yourself. Part2: Create a “treatment plan” for yourself outlining:


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