You need to define what your chosen theory/model is

You need to define what your chosen theory/model is.

You need to define what your chosen theory/model is, and the key points about its development (think about POV, for example, and how Fowler developed Uspensky’s model, and how his model was developed in turn by Simpson).

You need to define what your chosen theory/model is

This means that you are being to think critically about one of the approaches/ theories/models we have studied on the module.

You need to define what your chosen theory/model is, and the key points about its development (think about POV, for example, and how Fowler developed Uspensky’s model, and how his model was developed in turn by Simpson).

You are thinking critically about the model. Using close, rigorous stylistic analysis to exemplify your arguments for what your chosen approach does. Further, doesn’t show you about your text in terms of interpretation.

Furthermore, use the essay plan and the advice you got on it to develop your final essay.

You must read widely (as a rule of thumb, aim for 10 references minimum), think critically, and exemplify well.

Remember the two key questions:

1) How do I know that? (about any claim you make)

2) So what? (about any point you make or piece of labelling you do in your analysis)

In addition, you need to organise your ideas carefully and logically so that your argument is clear and easy to follow. Make sure there is an obvious progression between sentences and then between paragraphs – otherwise they can seem rather random.

Remember, a paragraph contains only one main idea. If you cannot apply the one sentence summary idea. You have too many main ideas in your paragraph and need to separate them out.

Remember, use the Harvard system for referencing (author: date). NO FOOTNOTES. By this stage in your degree, you should be also able to reference correctly and produce a correctly formatted list of references at the end of your essay. If you are not sure how to do this, you must check the information that I have provided and/or the Producing Assessed Coursework booklet.

Look at the essays in Innervate (the online journal of undergraduate work) on the School of English Studies intranet (see link below). These essays, which are from a range of modules, will give you an idea of the type of analysis, depth, criticality and also quality of writing expected of you.


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You need to define what your chosen theory/model is


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