you will simulate the process of forming a Knesset in Israel, from elections through government formation..
For this assignment, you will simulate the process of forming a Knesset in Israel, from elections through government formation.
You are running for election to become President of Israel in 2021 and you are to write your election speech.
The party that you are campaigning and running your election for is the “Democratic Future for Israel”
– (center-left to left list led by Tel-Aviv mayor Ron Huldai, and including Benny Gantz and
Kachol Lavan. This hasn’t happened yet, but make it make sense).
Election speech should be 1,000 words and should highlight the major points of your party’s platform you wish to emphasize.
Things to Highlight
-entrepreneurship in the economy,
– covid-19 response and shutdown
-and anything else you see fit to emphasize.