Why does the author describe the “angel” as he does? What is symbolic about this and/or what can be inferred based upon this description?

Why does the author describe the “angel” as he does? What is symbolic about this and/or what can be inferred based upon this description?.

Once you have read “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” and watched the videos defining Magical Realism, please post to the following discussion.

Choose 3 of the following questions and write a short paragraph responding to each. Keep in mind that this will be read by your classmates, so you need to make sure you have clearly explained your ideas. Think of this like a conversation – try to stay on topic, but if you feel you have further insights to bring up, feel free to do so!
Where are you seeing elements of magical realism in this story? Pick one element and explain why it is necessary or how it helps to develop theme.
Describe the setting of this story:

What do we need to know about the “rules” of this world?
Think about the description of character in this story:

Why does the author describe the “angel” as he does? What is symbolic about this and/or what can be inferred based upon this description? [Be sure to give specific details as you write on this]
Think about the representation of Catholicism in this story:

Why is knowledge of this religion valuable to the reader? How do you think the author feels about Catholicism or about organized religion in general? [Support your argument with evidence]
According to this story, what is the difference between faith and religion? Is there a difference? [Support your argument with evidence]
Consider the “miracles” performed by the “angel”: What are we meant to understand about the nature of the miraculous in this story? What are we meant to understand about human nature in the face of the miraculous?

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Why does the author describe the “angel” as he does? What is symbolic about this and/or what can be inferred based upon this description?


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